捻挫後遺症、アキレス腱炎、足底筋膜炎、有痛性外脛骨、シンスプリント、腱鞘炎・ばね指、野球肩、テニス肘など 小田急線喜多見駅から徒歩1分

English page

The outline of the treatment

Thanks for your visit.

Now I’ll introduce you to our clinic.

At our clinic, we provide myofascial therapy called Fascial Manipulation®.

Have you ever heard about “fascia”?

Fascia is a three-dimensional structure of connective tissue that permeates the whole body.

When the fascia is in its normal healthy state, it is a relaxed and elastic web.

Once it is restricted, it is more rigid, less pliable, and can create pulls, tensions, and create pain.

When pain is caused by myofascial tightness within the fascial system, the diagnosis is more complicated, as fascia restrictions do not show up on MRI scans or X-rays.

Yet, those restrictions can play a significant role in creating pain and malfunction in the structure of the spine, extremities, and organs.

Myofascial therapy focuses on releasing tightness and rigidness on the fascia.

There are many conditions and symptoms that myofascial therapy addresses.

If you had any trauma like fractures, ankle sprain, muscle sprain, etc,

If you have played some specific sports for a long time,

If you learned some instruments like the piano, guitar, or violin for a decade,

your symptoms might be related to the fascial tightness.

We assess you from the fascial point of view and restore the balance of the fascial structure.

There will be a difference you can feel.

The course and fee

1. Fascial Manipulation® course (60-80min)  16,500yen

Mainly deal with musculoskeletal symptoms by adjusting the balance of the fascial tension

Reservation and Inquiry

Please feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail below.

You don’t have to worry about your Japanese skills because I speak English not fluently but well enough to communicate for treatment. I’m an interpreter for the Fascial Manipulation® International course held in Japan.

Tel: 03-6321-4021

e-mail: kakinumasiatu@gmail.com


